
My boyfriend and I went to Cabo a few years ago. On the weekend we visited the Cabo-Wabo Cantina for some dancing. The bartender gave me a free drink. After I finished it my boyfriend left me at the bar to go to the washroom. The bartender then handed my a bottle of Tequila and told me to take a drink from it. Shortly after my boyfriend returned and we stepped onto the dance floor to dance. He said I collapsed straight down to the ground completely out cold. He managed to get some help from some guys outside to get me into our rental car and got me back to our hotel. The next morning I woke with vomit in my hair and all across the bed and floor. I had no memory of anything after I stepped onto the dance floor. It turned out I had broken my foot when I collapsed. When I got home a few days later I looked up on the internet and came to the conclusion the I had been Roofied. At least I didn't get raped or murdered, but have always thought that that was the intention. After reading your site I will never go to Mexico again.



